
Hi! My name is India and I am the creator behind “Life is a Page Turner”. I started this blog a long time ago, and since then I’ve grown to social media and youtube as well. I started this solely to review books, and talk about books, and I still do a lot of that, but I’ve started adding some travel and hobby in there as well.
I chose the name Life is a Page Turner after being 90s Born Reader for so long because I felt that LIAPT meant a lot more to me, and could be interpreted by others a little bit better. To me LIAPT encompassed not only books but also life in general. It means to continue pushing and to see what comes next. Also there are many chapters in our lives (see what I did there ha!) and each one shapes who we are meant to be. I kept the tag line “Keep turning the pages” because sometimes I need that reminder when things get hard to keep turning the page to see what life has in store next. We all love the books with the happy endings.

Please make sure to follow my blog as well as my social media accounts to learn more about me on Instagram and Twitter! Also find me on youtube here!

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I hope you enjoy my page, and my blog and feel free to comment on anything. I love to have discussions and I love to hear what people think. So sit back, relax, grab some coffee or tea and a good book, and until next time,

Keep Turning the Pages
